Religion in Duckburg

Vidar Svendsen vidar-svendsen at
Thu Sep 13 18:19:07 CEST 2001

Daniel van Eijmeren wrote:
> I wanted to include a link to VIDAR SVENDSEN's "Religion in Duckburg"
> site, but it seems that I only have an old non-working URL. On that site,
> Vidar lists religious references in Disney comics, but also in comics
> in general.

My homepages were mysteriously gone. I'm uploading it now. 
I can't remember any duck stories based on Revelation.
You find the page about religion in Duckburg (English version) at:

Besides 'Duckburg religion' I have a page about the Bible in Asterix. 
I guess that's what Daniël means with religious references... also in
comics in general."
I'm planning a page about religion in Lucky Luke though (hope I'll
finish it before the 2. coming....)
Vidar Svendsen          

And he said all those numbers 
made him numb, 
which (he thinks) is why 
they're called numbers

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