Sv: Drawing from Norway

Martin Olsen martin_olsen at
Tue Sep 25 18:53:41 CEST 2001

>Message: 8
>Reply-To: <bi442 at>
>From: "Rob Klein" <bi442 at>
>To: <dcml at>
>Subject: Drawing from Norway?
>Date:   Mon, 24 Sep 2001 20:25:32 -0700
>Hello, fellow list members.  On 13 Sept. I received a one-word note from
>Anne Lise Rydland of Norway reading: "drawin", with a 61K attachment
>titled: "drawingMSDraw".  I couldn't open the attachment.  Perhaps it is a
>MacIntosh graphics file, without the conversion file to allow it to be read
>by a PC system.
>Anne Lise, if you are reading this, please let me know if you intended it
>for me to view.  If so, please let me know what is in it.
>Any other DCML members:  If you have seen it, please let me know what it
>is.  I don't remember seeing Anne Lise's name on our list.  Does anyone
>know her?  Thanks,  Rob Klein

>Message: 12
>From: "Fluks, H.W." <H.W.Fluks at>
>To: "'bi442 at'" <bi442 at>, dcml at
>Subject: RE: Drawing from Norway?
>Date:   Tue, 25 Sep 2001 10:50:36 +0100
>> Hello, fellow list members.  On 13 Sept. I received a
>> one-word note from
>> Anne Lise Rydland of Norway reading: "drawin", with a 61K attachment
>> titled: "drawingMSDraw".  I couldn't open the attachment.
>Be careful when you get messages with attachments from people you don't
>know. I got a Norwegian message last week, and it contained a computer
>virus. I heard from a few other DCML people that they got the virus too.
>You may have been lucky that you couldn't open the attachment. Otherwise
>your computer might have been infected.
>Of course, the mail could also have contained a *real* drawing. But better
>check that first.

I got an email from Anne Lise Rydland, too. It had two attachments, one of
which was harmless (telefax.doc), the other (activemov.exe) was infected
with a virus. Of course I didn't open the infected file, but my virus shield
told me it was infected.
At least now I know where Anne Lise Rydland's computer found my email

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