Dorfman's " Duck " !!!!!!!!!

joe gouldIII joegouldiii at
Thu Sep 27 00:03:03 CEST 2001

  I was going 2 Du something else 4 my inagural
posting  from this WebDress ( I was , formerly , 
" liljerryandtheyadayadakiddz , or , " Lil' Jerry And
The Yadda-Yadda Kids " ! ) , but , th' mention o'
Dorfman's " How To Read " sparks me to mention that ,
recently , while visiting at someone's apartment , I
found a later book , this one by Ariel? Dorfman alone
, also giving his Marxist-oriented analysis of (
mostly )  Western comics/pop culture - I'll check
AmazonCom or something 2 find th' X-Act title , but ,
I want to get this off now !!!!!
  The book also touched on our Duck pals again , with
Unca' Carl's " A tornado redistributes all of U$'s
Dough and he ends up getting it back , anyway . "
story  coming in for , as you might imagine , some
criticism ,
 but , other things - such as Tarzan comics , the
Reader's Digest , and a Chilean comic that I'd never
heard of before - were touched on , as well !
  I only had time to , quickly , leap/scan through the
book . The book mentioned that the citations/quotes
from the non-Spanish material , as quoted in the book
,  were retranslated back into English from the
Spanish versions that Dorfman had used as his
references , and were NOT from the , original ,
English-language versions , something that ,
apparently , was also true of the " How..." book , but
, not mentioned in the American text . ( And , thus ,
apparently bringing on much criticism from the book's
detractors - Since Unca'  Carl hisself was pretty much
on the more conservative end of the - by US
definitions of it - spectrum , as far as his own ,
personal , political views went , certainly NOT a
socialist , let alone Marxist , and , naturally , I
think , many - Though , not all ! - Barks fans follow
suit , there was a lotta detractin' , methinks ! )

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