DCML digest #882
Don Rosa
donrosa at iglou.com
Wed Apr 3 15:29:58 CEST 2002
From: olson32 at attglobal.net
re: OUR GANG #9
>>> The problem is that in the second half of my copy of the book, there
are a few pages that look like they were either cut out very carefully
near the spine, or the book was published with some single page in the
front half that were just big enough to go beyond the staple. It
doesn't sound logical, but it doesn't look like pages are missing
You're okay, as Mr. Rowe says. Notice how *very* carefully those pages would
hafta have been cut out?! The edges are absolutely straight. Somebody would
need to have unbent the single staple (a 1943 issue -- wartime, y'know...
mustn't waste staples!), dismantled the entire comic and placed those pages
on a paper-cutter machine. Then also note that those cut edges are glued to
the adjacent pages!
I can't explain why they published some comics like this during the war, but
it's not at all unusual. Counting from the centerspread staple, you'll see
there are 3 more two-sided sheets between there and the front than there are
to the back. Three inner pages do not go but about 1/8-1/4 past the center
crease, and are glued to the other pages as well as stapled. Seems like a
lot of effort to assemble a comic book when we were supposed to diverting
our energies to whooping the Nazis & Nips, but there's nothing wrong with
your issue. The first time I got some WWII issues like that, I also thought
that someone had cut pages out with a mighty steady scissor-hand.
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