
Michael Schartau michael.schartau at
Mon Apr 8 09:45:30 CEST 2002

> Shaun
> Ps: I've been checking on barcodes around our house, maybe we use a
> different system here, but all products originating from New Zealand start
> with 94 and all products from Australia seem to start with 93.  I guess from
> the feedback to the previous post on this subject this sort of numbering
> convention isn't applicable to the US or Europe?
> _______________________________________________

The EAN-13 is an international system. In Sweden most products have 73 as first digits.

Q. Does the EAN number indicate the country of origin of a product?

A. No, the numbering of a product with EAN numbers does not imply any significance. An EAN number simply starts with the prefix of the member organisation that has allocated a bank of numbers to a company. This does not mean that the product was manufactured in a specific country or by a specific manufacturer.

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