I miss the "upcoming" section of the DCML

Lunnan & Hjort brit.lunnan at chello.no
Fri Apr 19 11:02:08 CEST 2002

The DCML home is set up with an "Upcoming" section, 
"a list of upcoming events worldwide pertaining to Disney 
comics". Sadly, the current message is only "This page has 
been notoriously out-of-date for a long time now. Sorry."

This is simply to say "I miss it", and that I appreciate the
efforts involved of those who used to put it together. Perhaps
there could be someone volunteering to have a hand and
an eye on this? There _are_ such "upcoming" events of
broad interest to this group, including comic conventions, 
special appearances, etc. I would also say that such a list
is of interest even if it is incomplete or biased. 

So we need to learn in other ways about the comics convention (?)
Don Rosa will visit in Italy next week (for example). Where, 
when, what kind of meeting? 

Nils Lid Hjort

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