Money Bin blueprint

Dan Shane danshane at
Wed Apr 24 13:37:26 CEST 2002


Can someone help me in searching the new address of the Don' Money Bin
blueprint ?

I put it time ago in my favourites (and I have also printed it to be sure
not to loose ...) but now I have to send it by E-mail to a friend and, when
I click inside the address, it appears a message explaining to look
somewhere else because the URL is no more correct.

Thanks you in advance (and congratulations again to Don for his sharp and
very detailed work! )


Don certainly deserves the lion's share of the credit for the blueprints, as
they were his idea for his story, and the basic layouts were sketched out by
Don.  However, it was I that performed the actual drawing and lettering (in
4 languages, at least), and I contributed many of the gags.  The blueprints
were definitely a team effort, one of the very few that Don has ever felt he
needed beyond the editorial process that Byron Erickson and others perform.

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