duckburg continuity
Kriton Kyrimis
kyrimis at
Thu Apr 25 12:31:28 CEST 2002
> If I wrote a story
> that had it placed in the middle of Duckburg Swamp (instead of on top of
> Killmotor hill)
Hmmm.... Killmotor Hill? The hill on which the money bin was shown
at the beginning of Barks' story "The Big Bin on Killmotor Hill"? The
story where Barks had Scrooge move the bin to a valley, then the top of
a mountain, then finally had him put it on treads, so that he could move
it anywhere he liked? I'd say that having the bin appear in the middle
of Duckburg swamp or Duckburg desert, as you mentioned, would preserve
Barks' continuity just fine!!!
Speaking of "The Big Bin on Killmotor Hill", which I re-read recently,
it would seem that it quite contradicts Don's Money Bin story: In the
beginning of the story, Donald shows the kids Uncle Scrooge's *new*
money bin, so this can't have been the building built by Frank Lloyd
Drake in the 1920s. (One might argue that the story takes place in the
1920s, but as Donald mentions that the new bin is protected by radar, the
story can't have taken place before WW II, when radar was invented.) The
original money bin must have been the one which was destroyed at the
end of the first Beagle Boy story, which looked like a safe, complete
with a combination lock decoration on the facade!
Kriton (e-mail: kyrimis at
"I'm playing with a fire so dangerous I could scorch eternity."
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