Don Rosa books/albums

Ari Seppi ari.seppi at
Sat Aug 3 14:09:36 CEST 2002

>Actually, a few weeks back Marco Rota had his name on the cover of the
>Finnish weekly. I was quite surprised to see it there. And Vicar got his
>name on the cover when he visited Finland. Not much compared to Rosa but
>it's a start.

Yes, and Romano Scarpa was in cover of the issue reporting that
he was supposed to visit in Finland. There has also been article
series about other artist (only five items have been published, but
that is a start too). And there was an extra issue consisting of
Manuel Gonzales' one-pager which naturally had him mentioned
on cover.

Actually I was surprised how few articles and news items I found
about other artists when I browsed through some recent Aku
Ankka issues. I remembered that there are more of them. Well,
on the other hand, there is no Rosa in every issue either.

Ari Seppi (ari.seppi at
Winnie the Pooh is my great guru.

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