DCML digest, Vol 1 #1050 - 4 msgs

Martin Olsen martin_olsen at post.tele.dk
Sat Aug 24 12:56:15 CEST 2002

----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Fernando Ventura" <fernandopventura at uol.com.br>
> To: <dcml at stp.ling.uu.se>
> Subject: More Disney manga!
> Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 21:15:32 -0300
> Hi!!!
> I've read on www.omelete.com.br something about a new Disney manga: the
> comic book version of Monsters Inc.


> I don't know, but I understand that it'll be published in the US. One more
> time, PLEASE, if some american wants to trade it with  brazilian comics,
> talk to me!!!
> Someone knows more about it?

Everything is possible, but I find it hard to believe that Disney will allow two different adaptations of the same movie to be published in the US.

Dark Horse Comics published an adaptation of Monsters Inc. last November:


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