Of Barks and Frisians, and off-topic

Klaus Harms harms313 at web.de
Wed Aug 28 13:29:42 CEST 2002

Von: H.W.Fluks at kpn.com
> Back to Disney comics...

... waitaminute ...

Von: Gerd Syllwasschy <gsy at megatel.de>
> (http://www.telefonbuch.de) and found 57 people carrying that name, most
> of them living in East Frisia (that's a region on the German North Sea
> coast between the Dutch border and the city of Oldenburg).
> (BTW, a search for "Barks" yields only 8 hits

Though I (living in Oldenburg) have never met anyone named Iwwerks I
once *have* met a person that carried "Barks" as surname (from Emden,
German East Frisia). However, he claimed not to be related with the
great artist of the 20th century.

Von: H.W.Fluks at kpn.com

> To avoid confusion, here's a summary about Frisia (Friesland) and the
> Frisian language(s)


> I noticed (last month when I was in Germany) that Germans call Ostfriesland
> (4) also simply "Friesland", making things quite complex when talking with a
> Dutchman.

To *add* to the confusion: I think you are in error here: There is a
district officially named "Friesland" (Jever and Varel) that is outside
of "Ostfriesland" (Emden, Leer, Wittmund and Aurich). However, this
region's naming is NOT derived from any Frisian origin, but it is indeed
Lower German meaning "Freies Land" (free territory); hence, its
inhabitants are "FrieslÀnder" in Germany, in contrast to "Friesen" who
live in Frisian areas (covering territories in Netherlands, Germany, and
also Denmark). In Southern parts of Germany "Ostfriesland", "Friesland "
and the entire Northwest German Area West of Bremen are easily mixed up.

> --Harry.
> (Married in 1729: BrĂșne Derks from Oostvriesland + Engel Wilken from
> Oldenborgerlant - arrived in Groningen in 1730 - their grandchildren took
> the name Fluks in 1811)

(who, according to J. Klein and N. Takahata: Where Do We Come From?,
Springer Vlg, Heidelberg 2002, is a direct offspring of Charlemagne, as
is virtually any living Homo sapiens worldwide)

> Back to Disney comics...

... now!

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