Titles in Inducks (RE: Today's best Mickey stories)

H.W.Fluks@kpn.com H.W.Fluks at kpn.com
Mon Dec 9 18:34:35 CET 2002


> I also think that I.N.D.U.C.K.S. / COA should have these
> storied listed by English titles

We have several "English titles" in Inducks:

1. The "original" title, which may be an internal title used by the
writers/artists/editors; depending on these people, the title may or may not
be in English;

2. The title of the story as printed on a (re)print in the English language
- for instance in India or Australia;

3. The "title" of the story as listed in the *contents* page of a (re)print
in English.

The Marlin/Zapotek stories you talked about have no English title because
none of the 3 above is the case.
But anyone is invited to deliver English *descriptions* of these stories.


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