Gort, Klattu birada nikto

Fabio Blanco longtom at oeste.com.ar
Sun Feb 10 05:34:57 CET 2002

Ouffff... Lucas & Spielberg dont fear "use" a lot of things from another
authors turning this elements in profitable merchandising stuff. Deflectors
from Star Trek, Banths from E.R.Burroughs...
All the traps from the Indiana Jones movies are from Scrooge or Donald
stories, the three if I remember (help anybody?)...

In the other hand, I enjoy when Don Rosa insert something of his passion for
the movies. I loved these touch the Citizen Kane everywhere...

FABIO (I dont like Tolkien... so?)

> Just as a point of trivia, Lucasfilm used each of these words as the names
> of aliens in Star Wars: Episode VI - The Return of the Jedi. They were all
> aliens in the employ of the "mighty Jabba" the Hutt. :)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Cord Wiljes" <cord.wiljes at post.uni-bielefeld.de>
> Klaatu barata niktu!"
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