Donald Duck in Norwegian.
Geir J. Netland
gjn at
Sun Feb 24 16:55:53 CET 2002
Olaf and Don:
There has been a lot of language-debate in Norway since the 1800's. Mostly
between the so called "Ny norsk" and "Bokmål".
Whenever the translators try something different than
plain-by-the-dictionary-Norwegian, somebody alwas interpret this in strange
ways (e.g. the translation of Lost in the Andes).
There are no "official" slang in Norway, so if you're going to use slang,
you have to use one of the many
dialects. This would probably again make a lot of debate. It's only recently
that commentators and channel-hosts on TV have been allowed to speak their
own dialect.
I don't know if this is uderstandable to non-Norwegians, but this is the
Norwegian tradition. BTW: Most of the time, there are subtitles on foreign
movies, and they are in "plain written
Norwegian", so the translation of Charles Foster Kane's and some
"street-punk's" dialogue would look very much alike for the Norwegians....
Vennlig hilsen/Greetings from
Geir J. Netland
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