Archontis Pantsios
apantsio at ac.anatolia.edu.gr
Fri Jan 25 16:10:04 CET 2002
Fellow Quackeroos:
Just one Disney comic hit the Greek news-stands last week:
MIKY MAOUS #1853, January 18, 2002
a) Mickey Mouse in "L' idolo vulcanico", from "Topolino" #1447, 1983 (34
pages). Script & Art: Romano Scarpa
b) The Beagle Boys in "L' idea vulcanica", from "Topolino" #2348, 2000 (20
pages). Script: Marco Bosco; Art: Fabiana Iacolucci
c) Fethry Duck in "Il peso...del presente", from "Topolino" #2342, 2000 (15
pages). Script: Alberto Savini; Art: Andrea Ferraris
d) Lil' Bad Wolf in "The Horoscope", S-74258 (8 pages). Script: The Disney
Studio; Art: Richard Moore
'Till next week,
Archontis L. Pantsios, Ph.D.
Assistant Academic Dean & Professor of Economics
The American College of Thessaloniki
Phone #: +30-310-398228
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