12 Duckburg landmarks

Frank Bubacz frankbubacz at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 2 14:14:37 CEST 2002

>From: "Don Rosa"

>There are arguments that could be made against things like Fort Duckburg or
>Pizarro's Galleon or Mount Demontooth, but I must also consider what nice
>visual variety these landmarks offer the list so it won't just be 100%
>boring looking buildings.

Absolutely! Keep these three in your list!

>Now I am down to one of my own original choices of Gyro's workshop... and
>I'm on the verge of talking myself out of it! It is *not* a landmark!

Right! Throw it out!

As you don't like too many "boring" buildings and given the fact that Old 
Demontooth is the only "nature" element in the list yet, how about Cedar 
Creek ("Only a poor old man")? Maybe it's not a spectacular landmark, but at 
least it has a story (and most people know it). I'm sure word has spread to 
the Duckburgians about what happened there and people are still visiting the 
broken dam saying things like: "Son, this is the place where the old miser 
had his biggest triumph against the Beagle Boys!"  It could be a nice 
drawing with the broken dam in the background. Also, Cedar Creek must be 
located somewhere in or near the outskirts of Duckburg, because it's easy 
for HDL to follow the BB's lorry. In addition, those Duckburgian villains 
also live near it.


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