Duckburg's 12 landmarks: Correction & Question

Jussi Mantere jmantere at
Tue Jul 2 20:19:06 CEST 2002

On Tue, 2 Jul 2002, Lars Jensen wrote:

> Your remark is one of the most heartless I've ever seen. You should be
> ashamed of yourself.

I must apologize to the whole list.
As you pointed out the comment was heartless AND tasteless, and I too knew
it even before the message was sent.
Actually, it was never meant to reach the list; after typing, I understand
how tasteless it was and meant to cancel it. Accidentally my mailer sent
it, and I am really sorry that you had to read it.

Hopefully most of you understand that I wouldn't joke about such things;
things that I too find tasteless, and especially to people who I _know_
would be even much more offended by such a comment than myself.

I am ashamed and sorry; and I also promise to try to think before typing
instead of typing before thinking.

. jussi mantere
. mister, i ain't no boy, no i'm a man
.. and i believe in the promised land

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