which story is this?

Nils Lid Hjort nils at math.uio.no
Thu Jul 4 01:08:42 CEST 2002

Once in a while I'm asked "which story is this?" type
questions by people, accompanied by perhaps distorted
bits & pieces of memories of some Duck story they read 
30 years ago -- since they know I read Ducks and they trust 
my memory. And often I'm able to pinpoint the story.
As we know this is easier with Barks stories than with

With this particular request I must rely on the combined
knowledge & memory of this list, however. The question
which came to me is: 

"Doctor X is a medical engineer with the H hospital (in Bergen)
and takes part in the making of a new cancer treatment
machine ... He has been told by Colleague Y that his machine quite
resembles `the contraption Daisy Duck used in her
beauty parlor'."  

I immediately started to lecture Doctor Z (who is a friend 
of Doctor X) about WD's Comics & Stories #308 from May 1966, 
where Donald enjoys some rare success with his Salon de Charm,
how he masterfully treated Mrs. J. Crowsfoot Dryskin of 
Turkeyneck-on-the-Mohawk before having his business
seriously threatened by April, May & June, etc. Then, 
when Doctor Z told Doctor X who told Colleague Y at Hospital H
about this, it was made clear to X by Y at H that 
this was NOT the story he, Colleague Y, had in mind! 
It was Daisy who used the machine, not Donald. 

So what could this be? An apocryphical non-Barks non-Strobl 
non-Murry story? 

As usual, eternal fame for the most accurate answer. 

Nils Lid Hjort

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