Landmarks in Duckburg - Give YOUR vote!!!

Thomas Pryds Lauritsen thomas at
Thu Jul 4 13:25:13 CEST 2002

Frank Bubacz wrote:
> I don't quite get this. IS it possible to give more than one vote?
> I hope it's not. And in case if, I hope you can detect somehow if 
> somebody did it.

It is. It will never be possible to fully control this without having 
some kind of digital signature which is IMHO way overkill for this 
project that was meant only for the fun of it.

As of now you will be given one vote per "session". So if you reboot 
your computer you will be in a new "session" and you will be able to 
vote again. (and yes, there *are* easier solutions which I will of 
course not reveal here)

I *could* prevent this by logging which IP adresses have voted, but if 
people connect by modem they will typically get a new IP address each 
time they connect, which will *both* make them be able to vote again 
*and* I will block the possibility to vote for another potential visitor 
who incidentally now has this IP adress. *Moreover* at some places 
(companies, schools, homenetworks) where there are more computers on the 
same network, all these computers "use" the same IP adress, so if one of 
them voted, all others would be blocked from voting.

> Also, it wasn't a good idea to give people the opportunity to see the 
> current results before they vote, because now it's easy to manipulate 
> things a bit.

That's right, but better that than having people voting again and again 
just to see the current results.

Anyway, this is not the presidential election -- it is not *even* the 
list that Don Rosa will have to follow! -- so I trust people on their 
words. Something I think it is still possible to do in this world (call 
me naive if you want) when it's nothing more than for the fun of it, as 
in this case.


Thomas Pryds Lauritsen

"There is the theory of the Moebius.
  A twist in the fabric of space where time becomes a loop."

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