It happened tomorrow

Frank Bubacz frankbubacz at
Mon Jul 8 16:31:54 CEST 2002


just in case anybody else is interested in old movies (and their adaptations 
to comics),Luca told me in private mail that it is the Clair movie indeed, 
adding that Romano Scarpa is a big fan of this kind of Hollywood 30s/40s 
comedies, call them "screwball" or "sophisticated"
or whatever. And so am I.  :-)
In this case the film is a mixture of comedy and fantasy, which was very 
popular at the time. It's about a man being able to read tomorrow's 
newspaper headlines. The problems begin when he reads about his own death...
Although I know a few movies by Clair, I've never seen this one. Seems to be 
a strange scenario for a Disney comic. I'm really curious how it turns out.


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