It happened tomorrow
Marco Barlotti
marcobar at
Tue Jul 9 15:02:37 CEST 2002
At 12.03 09/07/2002 +0200, frankbubacz at wrote:
>just in case anybody else is interested in old movies (and their adaptations
>to comics),Luca told me in private mail that it is the Clair movie indeed,
>adding that Romano Scarpa is a big fan of this kind of Hollywood 30s/40s
>comedies, call them "screwball" or "sophisticated"
>or whatever. And so am I. :-)
>In this case the film is a mixture of comedy and fantasy, which was very
>popular at the time. It's about a man being able to read tomorrow's
>newspaper headlines. The problems begin when he reads about his own death...
>Although I know a few movies by Clair, I've never seen this one. Seems to be
>a strange scenario for a Disney comic. I'm really curious how it turns out.
Well, you should know that this is certainly *not* the first time that
movie was "parodied" (I just invented this verb I guess, I mean there were
OTHER (Italian) Disney stories which were a parody of that (beautiful and
very funny) movie.
I TL 356-A (23-09-1962)
Paperino cronista del giorno dopo
31//Paperino; QQQ, Gastone, Gedeone
[parody: It happened tomorrow (René Clair)]
[Italian reprints: AR 721, CD 258]
Here DD does not learn about his death, but rather that he is going to win
the big Duckburg Sweepstakes. Guess who got his wallet by mistake...
I TL 1578-B (23-02-1986)
Pippo e il giornale del giorno dopo
/Staff di IF/Pujol/Perea-López Espí
29//Pippo; Topolino, Nocciola
[parodia: Accadde domani (R. Clair)]
[ristampe: PRI 1991]
Here it is Goofy who gets tomorrow's newspaper...
It will be interesting to see what the next parody will be...!
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