NAFS(k)urien - what year?

Thomas Pryds Lauritsen thomas at
Thu Jul 18 13:00:02 CEST 2002

Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr. wrote:
> Sorry that NAFS(k)urien was written wrongly in the
> header of my latest mail to this list.

Actually, it *is* spelled "NAFS(k)uriren".

> It seems that our Swedish friends haven't botthered to
> include the year NAFS(k)urien # 31 was published on
> it's cover so I have to ask if anyone her knows that?

It is published once a year and issue #30 says January 1999 and #32 says 
October 2001. It is therefore very likely that is was published in 2000 
-- *however* Stefan Persson has indexed it in Inducks with a publication 
date of February 2001 (maybe it was late?)


Thomas Pryds Lauritsen

"There is the theory of the Moebius.
  A twist in the fabric of space where time becomes a loop."

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