DCML digest #1017

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Tue Jul 23 16:42:10 CEST 2002

> From: lgiver at postoffice.pacbell.net
> Subject: Scrooge's other money bins?
> The "blue-prints" of Scrooge's Money Bin has recently been posted on
> some websites, complete with dimensions in feet.  About 2 months ago I
> noted on the DUCK-Hunt mail list that the dimensions of this bin are
> much too small to hold 3 cubic acres of cash;

I am always tied strictly to Barksian facts. Sometimes $crooge would mention
this fanciful "3 cubic acres" idea... other times he'd mention absurd
denominations such as "fantasticatillions" and so forth... but one thing
that was always shown in Money Bin scenes was a depth gauge that indicated
the money level to be near the 100 ft. mark. This told me that our
blueprints had to show the depth of the money should obviously be about 10
stories, with another coupla' stories of empty air above (corresponding to
several more floors in the side office section). And I knew that the outside
appearance of the Bin was roughly a cube shape. So, I only used the usual
dimensions and visual shape that I saw in Barks' stories (though, yes, there
were some deviations in the old tales as Barks was not trying to be strictly

> I can accept the dimensions of the blue-prints for the
> Killmotor Hill bin.   Scrooge built that bin early, then set out
> building his world-wide business empire, and apparently accumulated much
> more cash than he expected when he built the Killmotor Hill bin.  So
> when he built his downtown office building, he included the big basement
> bin and an overflow bin.

Of course, that's obvious. In chapter 12 of my "Lo$", I expressly addressed
that matter. Correct -- the cash in the Money Bin (in *my* stories) is ONLY
that money that $crooge earned earliest in his career, the money he loves
the most as "trophies" of his grit and moxie, let's say from 1898 to about
1930 -- money that he earned on the spot, in person, with his own sweat,
labor and brains. His wealth from his endeavors since those years, after he
relocated to his Duckburg base in 1930 and had to manage his own affairs
because his two sisters and brother-in-law quit and left, is spread out in
overflow bins and banks and investment holdings all over the world.

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