Duckburg' soccer team colors

Luca Faccioli fasu7 at
Wed Jul 24 16:07:49 CEST 2002

Hi all,

I have a particular question about Duckburg Soccer Team although I know  that some fellows like Don will probably not help me (but if he want I will obviously be very happy ! ) simply because the argument has never been considered by Uncle Carl.


I mean that in european production (most of all here in Italy  and very often in the last years) we have seen several times the D team with differents colors of shirt, shorts and socks .

For instance a Sarda/Molinari story published by Topolino some weeks ago showed a very supersticious musician fan of D team sleeping only with a Red and Green blanket as they are his team colors !
Instead the Ocopoli soccer team in the same story was shown in Yellow and Green .

Moreover, a couple of summer ago, in Italy was published the story about the D soccer champion Anatraldo/ Duckaldo and there the colors seems to be different (if I remind well!)

It's a pity that Barks never gave us a "rule" about Soccer in Duckburg but it is also easy to understand the matter: Soccer was almost unknown in that period in the USA.

Now it is different and perhaps also our scandinavian friends (with Egmont production ) can help us to identify a way to organise data about Soccer in Duckburg.
 (Not only the Colors but also the NAME OF THE SOCCER GROUND, WHO IS THE OWNER OR THE TRAINER, HOW ARE CALLED THEIR FANS - I MEAN A NICKNAME - and something else, and if someone would like to put this in a link like the best 12 landscapes ... it also could be useful for writers and artists ! )

Bye , Luca Faccioli.
(fan and subscriber of Bologna soccer team - Pagliuca, Signori, ecc.- that wear Red and Blue! )

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