Last word on Franquin and defense of Fethry
Frank Bubacz
frankbubacz at
Sun Jun 9 16:03:57 CEST 2002
After 30+ off-topic mails about Franquin, Marsu and Belgian comics in
general (what is the current off-topic record?), I hopefully can add the
very last word on it, as I feel slightly(!) responsible for starting
it all...
Teemu wrote:
>this whole discussion might have bothered me until end of time
>´cause I didn´t know what people where talking about.
To avoid exactly that, here is, IMO, the best introduction to Andre Franquin
and his work that you'll find online:
It is still under construction, though, but at least you have the choice
between a French and an English version (Note: The French one is already
one step further!) All other sites I know about this topic are in French
only, and also for hardcore fans only.
In case anybody is still interested in the Disney version of Marsu, you
should check out this page in HooZoo:
Trying to end the discussion let me also try a nice circular structure by
mentioning Don Rosa again: When I asked if he was influenced by the man
whose name we won't mention here again, I actually had totally forgotten
about the regrettable American situation concerning European comics! Well,
as Cord pointed out, it's the same here in Europe with many American
classics. However, having just read in the archive that Don considers Fethry
Duck an "idiot" and doesn't like him, because he never (or very seldom)
appeared in American publications, I now am rather sure that he never would
have liked the comics of Franquin as well (and thus would never have been
influenced by them!), even if he had had the opportunity of reading them.
Maybe Franquin's best-known creation is the Marsupilami, but the man himself
cared much more for his other baby, Gaston Lagaffe. And this guy, at least
in the beginning of his "career", certainly was what some people would call
an "idiot". (The "idiot" element, however, has always been a tradition in
European Funnies: Remember Averell Dalton, Obelix, Capitaine Haddock when he
was drunk, etc.)
To put it all in a nutshell: Don is the biggest Barks fan of 'em all, and
Barks certainly always used "idiots" as unappealing or at least
"flat" characters (correct me, if I'm wrong). Thus I assume Don will have
problems appreaciating the humour of MOST Francobelgian comics!
To defend Fethry let me add that I can't easily understand people whose
motto seems to be: "I don't like it 'cos I never tried it!" (I don't know if
this is the exact wording of the famous (beer?) ad, but coincidentally,
there's a Fethry story built around that one!)
'nuff said today,
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