View of Duckburg Harbour

Rob Klein bi442 at
Sat Jun 29 03:15:55 CEST 2002

For Carmen:
The great view of the harbour/port and railroad yard of Duckburg was in the 
opening splashpanel of Donald Duck in "The Magic Hourglass"; Barks epic story 
from 1950.

I agree with you that the Vampire State Building and Limpspire State Building 
should be important landmarks in Duckburg regardless of their inclusion for gag 
purposes (only), each in only one story.  I don't suggest that Don include both 
as individual members of the select 12.  But, perhaps he can draw them both in 
a Duckburg Financial/Commercial Centre scene, along with The McDuck Building 
and Stock Market.

Perhaps a second composite scene could show the Civic Centre, including the 
following:  City Hall, Calisota State Capitol Building, Duck County Couthouse, 
Opera House.

In short, I feel that there are TOO MANY very important landmarks in Duckburg 
to choose only 12.

Rob Klein

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