Moby Goofy313g at
Tue Mar 5 21:05:18 CET 2002

Moby first appears in a cartoon, I think. I have a little text about him in 
my Duck Family Tree:
Rich's site had a lot of informations about him... We really miss sites such 
as his :-((
I wish I had downloaded all of his pages before it shut down :-(
He is still called Toby Dick in french. He is on the cover with Fethry!
The story is from 2001!!!
It is a new birth for him!
It is called "Les chroniques de la baie", (Le storie della 
baia",topolino#2380) and is written by Silvio Camboni (text by Alberto 
Savini). It has references from Corto Maltese, according to the introduction.
They say in MP that Moby first appeared in a comic in 1967, but I am sure it 
is in a cartoon,  believe me! I think I remember it was about 1965.

The other story I liked is from Silvia ziche and is from topolino 2030, it is 
a parody of "les fourberies de scapin", and Hazel? Arizona Goof and Gilbert 
are spectators, Eega is the narrator, and the other are the actors...

No, Disney comics characters aren't dead, and it is just the beginning, 
believe me!

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