Disney Adventures vol 12, no 1 (Winter 2002)
Shad Z.
shadz at email.com
Tue Mar 12 04:40:09 CET 2002
Turns out I also have a copy of Disney
Adventures #12.1 I got it free when I visited
DisneyWorld in January and just now found it
in my luggage.
Since someone took the info in my mail about
DA #12.2 and added it to INDUCKS, I suppose I
will write about #12.1 too. But I'll learn
about how to submit directly to INDUCKS
someday, so I wont do this forever . . .
This is just a list of the comics in the
magazine; there is lots of other stuff too.
I should also mention that Matt Feazell
provides doodles of the editorial staff on the
contents page, but I don't know how to index
that. The story code is JZ611.
1)Disney's Tall Tails, JZ613, 1 page.
Writing and art by Glenn McCoy.
Mickey & Goofy appear.
2) Monsters, Inc. "Artist, Inc.!", no story code, 1 page.
No creator credits.
Mike and Sully appear.
3) Stitch in "Experiment 626!", JZ616, 4 pages.
Story by Michael Stewart and Paola Mulazzi. Breakdowns by Al Bigley. Art by Giovanni Rigano.
Stich is from the upcoming movie "Lilo & Stich".
Other characters include Jumba Jookiba and Number 625.
4) Lilo in "Lilo's Luau!", JZ616, 4 pages.
Story by Michael Stewart and Paola Mulazzi. Breakdowns by Al Bigley. Art by Giovanni Rigano.
Lilo is from the upcoming movie "Lilo & Stich".
Other characters include Nani and Jenny.
Yes, I know this story has the same story code
as the one above it. I suppose one is
wrong . . .
5) Doug in "Neckerchief Grief!", no story code, 2/3 page.
No creator credits.
Other characters include Doug's Mom.
6) Aaron Carter in "Fear the Fandroids!", JZ618, 3 1/3 pages.
Story by Michael Stewart. Art by Craig Rousseau.
This is one of an ocassional series that
appears in Disney Adventures featuring a spy
agency called S.M.A.R.T. (Super Music Action
Ready Team). All of S.M.A.R.T.'s field agents
are (real) pop or rock singers. I don't think
any singer has ever starred in a S.M.A.R.T.
story twice.
Other characters in this story are Chief and
Figgins. They are regular supporting characters in S.M.A.R.T. stories.
7) The Last Laugh "Beat Your Friends With the Sled-O-Matic", JZ619, 1 page.
Written by John Green. Art by Charly La Greca.
Shad Z. ^Q^
(ShadZ at rocketmail.com,ShadZ at email.com,Jackalope7 at go.com)
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