Unknown stories by Barks in Our Gang?
Anders Christian Sivebaek
acsive at mail.mira.dk
Thu Mar 28 10:09:55 CET 2002
Hi friends!
I just received the new issue of a great danish comic-fanzine, Nerd
News - it's the second time this year - last issue came last month, but
then they didn't publish any issues in 2001. It's considered by the
danish comic-fanzine-readers to be the best fanzine on the market
(rated on the danish answer to the comicjournals homepage).
Apart from reprinting one of my own columns (how proud I am! :-)) it
also poses this interesting question.
The author of the little article has read in The Little rascals (a
series from the OG-comic), a book by Leonard Martin and Richard W. Bann
a claiming that Barks is supposed to have made a comic version of this
short film series. - this is said on page 233. The author of the
articles first thought was rightly that the authors of the book were
thinking of the Barney Bear and Benny Burro-stories, but as he says
leonard Martin is not anybody - he's supposed to know his stuff. The
authors of the book knows about the funny animal stories in the Our
Gang comics, but they still mention Barks in connection with the
rascals. Then the author of the little article wonders if it would be
at all possible to recognize Barks' style when drawing humans in the
Then he asks if someone can confirm or deconfirm this information? I'm
forwarding it now to this list, where I believe some of you readers
have a big american collection where this could maybe be checked.
A. C. Sivebaek
acsive at mail.mira.dk
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