Unknown stories by Barks in Our Gang?
SRoweCanoe at aol.com
Thu Mar 28 12:07:36 CET 2002
In a message dated 3/28/2002 4:11:59 AM Eastern Standard Time,
acsive at mail.mira.dk writes:
> The author of the little article has read in The Little rascals (a
> series from the OG-comic), a book by Leonard Martin and Richard W. Bann
> a claiming that Barks is supposed to have made a comic version of this
> short film series. - this is said on page 233. The author of the
> articles first thought was rightly that the authors of the book were
> thinking of the Barney Bear and Benny Burro-stories, but as he says
> leonard Martin is not anybody - he's supposed to know his stuff
that's odd, i have a copy of this book (the 2nd edition - the 1st is tittled
Our Gangm the 2nd Little Rascals), and I don;t recall seeing that...
unfortunately my copy is in my warehouse....
but no, Barks did no Our Gangs, now if you ask about Walt Kelly -- who
certainly used to be more famous than Barks-- he done Our Gang.
Steven Rowe
SRoweCanoe at aol.com
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