The color of money

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at
Thu May 2 12:28:35 CEST 2002


As usual, your explanation regarding the money bin stands to reason, which
makes me want to see your comments on another apparent contradiction,
namely the kind of coins in Scrooge's bin, which has been discussed a lot
in this list. I just re-read Barks' "stone ray" story, where Scrooge is
ill because his pores have been blocked by gold dust, accumulated via
prolonged swimming in money. Both his Doctor's and the cabbage-eating
professor's reaction when they see the gold dust is to ask whether he
has been swimming in money. This suggests that Barks, for this story at
least, meant for the bin to be full of gold coins, not nickels and dimes!

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at
"Look, if we turn out to be hostile, then fair enough.  Until we do, why not
 give us the benefit of the doubt?  It's common sense, really, don't you

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