R: Euro as currency in Disney comics?

Luca Boschi cnotw at zen.it
Sun May 5 02:19:21 CEST 2002

But, no, Jussi! :-)

> Funny, although I've been a member of DCML for ~3 years now, I only
> recently learned this and other facts about Greek Disney-comics. They seem
> to be somewhat special among European publications - the only ones(?) that
> are not even partly localized.

In Italy,from the beginning Duckburg/Paperopoli is in the USA and Mickey, as
well as Donald, use dollars and cents. Italian creators even put in their
stories a Mouseton (on Mouston), naming it "Topolinia" tens before the
Americans decided to do it. And the Topolinia "made in Italy" *is* in the
USA, too.  Consider that when Paperopoli's and Topolinia's names were
created, in the 50es, the magazine "Topolino" was the best sold "fumetti"
Tens and tens of Italian artists drew, and are drawing, the "$" logo on the
Money Bin's walls.

> This leads me to a question: who reads the Greek comics?-) I mean, are
> they profiled towards an older audience than for example the Scandinavian
> magazines are?

In Italy all kind of people read Ducks and Mice stories and kids knows what
is absolytely correct to learn. It didn't seem so special to me and
absolutely the natural choice, before knowing what was going on in other
European countries.

... Even if, maybe that mostly the audience of "Zio Paperone" can correctly
answer that Duckburg is in Calisota (but I'd not be so sure of this)...


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