Euro symbol, Picsou translations

Francois Willot cacou661 at
Tue May 7 12:14:55 CEST 2002

In France, they switched from the Franc to the dollar
when the euro came. I am not a fanatic of consistency
in the Duck universe, but in this case, IMO, it was
the best solution. It respects Barks' original
intentions (and even the whole production of Italian
comics which always used the $). It respects the time
line, because I am more and more used to the fact that
most of Barks' stories happened in the late 40s and
50s, so the euro could not be in the duck universe.
The name "Calisota" also appeared for the first time
in the last few years. I don't remember it was
mentioned in early reprints of Barks' tales.

The only point on which I am not very happy with the
Picsou translations is that they changed the names of
characters who already had an *established* name like
Doretta Dorémi (Glittering Goldie) who is named like
in the original now. If they do that, they should also
change Picsou to "Oncle Scrooge"!

  Francois - new address!

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