Sorry Rob

Ari Seppi ari.seppi at
Fri May 10 08:01:54 CEST 2002

> > Roy:
>That's Rob - it's funny how it's misread - even Søren (SKO) misread it
>the first time and was at a time mentioning Rob as Rob Roy or such (Rob
>Roy is a national scottish hero - probably he had a friend in the
>mcduck family)

Argh! Sorry Rob, this is embarrassing.

Yes, of course, it's Rob. I knew it and thought I typed
it as Rob. I guess it's that when my brains thought they
were typing "Rob" my hands mixed "Rob" with
"Roy" (Kooijman).

Ari Seppi (ari.seppi at
Winnie the Pooh is my great guru.

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