DCML digest #922

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Fri May 10 13:25:49 CEST 2002

From: "Anders Christian Sivebaek" <acsive at mail.mira.dk>
> When looking at the homepage for Danish Anders And &
> Co I discovered that the cover for AA&Co #19/2002
> seems to be flipped compared to its counterparts in
> Norway, Sweden and Finland.
> And what version is correct?
>>>The norwegian and other ones of course.

Actually, NO, not the Norwegian cover! That Danish cover is the one that is
flipped from my original, you're right... and there's not a thing wrong with
that. It's still the exact same picture, only in reverse. That doesn't
bother me.
But look again at the Norwegian cover. Don't you see something very... WEIRD
going on there?
Notice that there's a line of "anomaly" extending from the upper tip of that
toy football pic horizontally over to Gyro's left armpit... and Gyro's
entire body (including Helper) is *duplicated* from that point upwards. The
duplicate figure seems to be mostly hidden behind the logo, but you can see
it peeking out here and there... you see two sides on Gyro's face, two sets
of Helper legs, and (especially, since it is *not* hidden by the logo) Gyro
has two entire left arms and hands that join near his shoulder. The
overlapping duplicate in front of the logo is offset from the lower body by
a centimeter to the left... see how Gyro's back has a spot where he seems to
have a slipped disk?
Don't ask me what happened.

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