Don Rosa's Duck Family Tree

Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr. sigvald4 at
Mon May 20 21:24:30 CEST 2002

It's hereby my pleasure to announce that the
D.U.C.K.hunt "Don Rosa's Duck Family Tree" section has
been completely reconstructed and is now back on-line:
As you will see, it has been improved in many ways.

Feel free to tell me if you:
- Know about any publication missing in the listsings.
- Have any comments about any of the trees (when it
comes to the graphics, coloring, name of the
characters, etc) or about the section as such.
- Find any typos.
During my work with this new section, I have also 
discovered that the I.N.D.U.C.K.S. / COA pages about
this tree contain several errors, inconsistencies and
missing information. I hope that our friend Harry
Fluks or some one else involved with the
I.N.D.U.C.K.S. / COA pages can be helpful by
commenting this:

a) The French version is wrongly named "Et quelques
illustres habitants de Donaldville". That's actually
the text in the header of the sidebar. The correct
French title for the entire tree is "Une famille en

b) The I.N.D.U.C.K.S. / COA pages operate with various
codes for this piece of work. And the D-code don't
even start with the actual year (93) it was done. So
what is the correct code(s) and why?

c) The list of publications is not complete. For
example the 1993 publication in Norwegian DD&Co isn't

d) The tree is probably published in many languages
which are not mentioned in the I.N.D.U.C.K.S. / COA -
files at all. For example I am pretty sure that a
Czech version of the tree does exist.

Best regards from
Sigvald :-)

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