Moving of pages and dead links sigvald at
Fri Nov 1 19:18:51 CET 2002

Hi all!

Today I updated the "Links-section" on my "The"-pages. During this process I discovered several pages which have been moved lately and also several dead links. I accept that pages must move from time to time, but some seems to move more often than other – for example I.N.D.U.C.K.S. As long as the old address points to the new address this is not that bad. What is bad is when unserious companies quits their WEB-host services so that such pointing can't be done (I have experienced this with my "Don Rosa in Scandinavia" pages) – or when unserious persons move their pages without linking from their old to their new address (The German Jano Rohleder seems to have done this with his "Duckmania-pages"). Can anyone here tell me if he still has an English version?

Why do I complain about this? I tell you why! Dead links make my links-section look bad and unserious, and I don't like to be blamed for other people's flaws.

Sigvald :-)

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