Moving of pages and dead links

Jano Rohleder jano.rohleder at
Sat Nov 2 10:18:55 CET 2002

>or when unserious persons move their pages without linking from their old
to their >new address (The German Jano Rohleder seems to have done this with
his >"Duckmania-pages"). Can anyone here tell me if he still has an English

Well - I really don't want to seem unserious. In fact I'm very angry about
the many server changes of DuckMania myself but I can't do anything about it
as long as I'm using the free service provided by "splashpages". They never
told me in advance when they stopped a server and everytime I had to ask for
it before DuckMania could get online again.
If you want to get sure you've got a link that will never be broken (and
also a site containing the latest updates) - use my mirror site for the international version and for the German one.
You can also link to DuckMania via the tld-redirections and which will always link
to the topical server.

Sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused by the change of the
DuckMania servers.

By the way: At the moment you can win a copy of Don Rosa's Italian Lo$ book
"Paper Dinastia" at DuckMania. ;-)

Best wishes

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