Thieves or...

Donald D. Markstein ddmarkstein at
Mon Nov 4 18:51:48 CET 2002

> Ah, well, that's what comes from (in my case) being cocksure, but still,
> almost all freeware comes without any license at all, how is that
> possible? Hm, nevermind.

It is possible because the creator of the work chose to release it to the
public domain. Anything can be given away free, if the owner chooses to do
so. (I don't understand why this isn't immediately obvious.)

> Hey, let's say I spend ten years
> looking for just that old white Volvo Amazone, you can be pretty sure
> that I'll take a picture and scan it and put it online (just for
> bragging :-) and I really don't see the problem in anyone copying that
> scan...not even had I spent twenty years searching for the old wreck.

Who cares how little value you place on your own work? You still have no
right to apply your pronouncements to the work of others.

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