Print quality

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at
Sun Nov 10 10:11:27 CET 2002


> So ... do we want a Barks reprint with shading, blurred backgrounds and
> other modern effects? Would this add a new dimension to our reading 
> experience and perhaps open up the world of Barks to younger readers? Or
> would it just look out of place?

As far as I'm concerned, I prefer the flat shading, and might even like
4-color halftoning, at least for old stories, though I'm not so sure
about that. I felt there was something wrong with the elaborate coloring
in the Celestial Arts "Uncle Scrooge--His Life and Times" album, and I
agree with the observation which someone made about how colorists seem
to be overdoing it with computer shading, making all stories take place
at sunrise or sunset!  However, as I'm mostly interested in the stories
themselves, I don't care whether they use old-fashioned coloring or
not. If elaborate computer coloring is what it takes to attract a new
generation of readers, publishers have my blessing to do so, though
I suspect that "modern generation" and "readers" is fast becoming a
contradiction in terms; I gather that this is already the case in the
US. :(

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at
"I think I would have noticed a nuclear explosion!"
"Yes, well, they are conspicuous!"

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