A question about canon

Donald D. Markstein ddmarkstein at cox.net
Sun Nov 10 12:44:37 CET 2002

> I thought that the "canon" on DCML is that there is NO canon.
> Because once Harry Fluks argued that one source, or one creator
> like Barks or like Don Rosa is not necessarily canon.

I was using the word "canon" in a different sense, possibly an incorrect one
in this context. What I meant was the official "truth" according to which
stories are written. A pronouncement by a creator is not necessarily canon,
but the context in which the creator's stories must be placed is. For
example, if I were to propose a Glomgold story to Egmont (tho for the past
few years, I've been getting Mouse-group assignments), it would be necessary
for me to show him living where Egmont says he lives -- which at present, I
believe, is Duckburg.

> They are in fair shape, and I need to know any info you could help me
> thank you.
> - - - - - - -
> Does someone here know the answer?
> Please let me know, on this mailing list or in private mail.

My standard answer to all questions of about the value of such things (and I
get a LOT) is that they are worth HAVING. People who care only about the
money they can squeeze out of collectibles get short shrift from me.

Quack, Don

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