Off-topic about annoying mails H.W.Fluks at
Tue Nov 12 17:54:39 CET 2002


> > Today several messages from Sigvald have been posted here
> > on DCML. I find such messages interesting, but also a bit
> > annoying since they seem to be lacking important properties
> > such as politeness and positivity.
> This is not funny Harry

Have a look at the last DCML digest:

> Today's Topics:
>   9. New Von Drake Site !!! (goofy313g at
>  10. Another Ludwig site! (Fernando Ventura)
>  11. re: New Von Drake Site !!! (xephyr at

Three enthousiastic, positive messages about a new LVD website.

>  12. Missing facts in Ludwig von Drake sites (sigvald at
>  13. Missing facts in Ludwig von Drake sites (sigvald at

Two negative messages about that same website.

This confirms my idea that you always want to write negative things. Even if
you have to find something very minor to complain about.

> a) When there was a question about Swedish and Danish comics
> [..] Anyway, all I
> did was asking our Finnish friend a simple question - and he
> did answer it both quickly and polite.

I was not referring to this subject in any way. With "several messages" I
only meant #12 and #13 (see above).
I don't even recall what your other message was about.

> b) The reason my last mail about the LvD-sites was sent twice
> is that not all my mails sent from this mail account to DCML 
> lately have reached the list.

If an e-mail does *not* reach the list, you get a bounce message. If you
think something is wrong, warn the list administrator (Per), using the admin
In any case, it's of no use to send (nearly) the same message twice.
(BTW, in my previous mail I was not complaining about this. I only used the
term "several messages" because it resembled your own text.)

> > And they are for instance assuming that Von Drake's marriage
> > with Scrooge's sister Matilda McDuck is an "important fact".
> A marriage IS definitely a very important fact in anyone's life.

Yes. But Von Drake is not married. So it is not a *fact*. So you can't blame
a website maker for not mentioning it.

> Anyway I think that there are better ways of improving good 
> communication on this group than to indicate that some of my
> postings are "lacking important properties such as politeness
> and positivity".

That was an attempt to get a message to you in a polite and positive way.
Without using words like "plonk" or "kill file", for instance.

> For instance you could - as an expert on the
> subject - have responded to the very interesting tread about
> the size of Duckburg,s population.

I can decide myself which threads to take part in.
And I don't need to write a message when I have nothing new to add.

Harry :-)

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