ON-topic about annoying mails

sigvald@duckburg.dk sigvald at duckburg.dk
Wed Nov 13 00:14:02 CET 2002

"Stefan Persson" wrote:

> Why would a married man live at Donald's place
> (unless he's married with Donald), which he often
> does in Karp/Talliaferro/Grant strips?

a) As I have said earlier, there is a possibility that
he is a childless widdower.

b) As far as I know none of Barks, Rosa, Van Horn or Rota
have ever shown Ludwig living at Donald's place.

> Why is he, in that case, refered to as "morbror"
> (meaning "mother's brother") in Swedish?

Obvious a translater's error which is common in Sweden.
Well known examples is that in Swedish comics Kalle Anka
(Donald) keeps saying: "Farbror Joakim" even though Scrooge
is his mother's brother, and that HD&L keeps saying "Farbror"
Kalle to Donald even though Donald is their mother's brother...

Sigvald :-)

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