Ludwig married? sigvald at
Thu Nov 14 20:40:56 CET 2002

<raptus at> wrote:

>>>When people emigrate to faraway lands that speak
>>>foreign languages, they often change their family
>>>names to fit the new language of their adopted
>> Don Rosa has never said that Ludwig and Matilda
>> are *not related, nor has he said that the
>> Duck-family in Duckburg and Ludwig are *not*
>> related so there are many possibilities left
>> open:
> Oh, how extremely interesting. Your black and whitish
> conclusions bring us absolutely nowhere, Sigvald.

In the posting you are reffring to I didn't make any
conclusions at all. I just mentioned some possibillities.

> The fact that Don didn't say this or that apparently
> force you to make a conclusion which aims at the exact 
> opposite.

Nope, it's just that I have an open mind about this,
and are ready to see any possibillities combining
Don Rosa's version of Ludwig's relationship to Donald
with other versions.

> If Don (or anyone else, who in your world defines
> the "canon") never claimed that the Earth is flat,
> you probably would find good reasons to believe that
> the Earth indeed might be flat...

No, that would support that the Eart is round... which
is off course is.

> Apart from the rubbish above, I had hoped that you knew
> your Ludwig better. He has never showed any interest in
> the opposite sex as far as I know.

And when did Granda Duck show a greater interst in men???

> Ludwig has his books and his degrees and Scrooge
> has his money.

And his feelings for Glittering Goldie...

Sigvald :-)

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