Inter-species marriage --- Scottie McTerrier

Donald D. Markstein ddmarkstein at
Sat Nov 16 15:28:17 CET 2002

> Don Markstein said that Scottie was related to the McDucks.  I was
> doubtful, but after reading quickly through "The Old Castle's Secret",
> I found near the end of the story, after "Diamond Dick" the imposter
> Scottie is caught in the mud with the treasure, he confessed "I knew
> about  the treasure because me third wife was a McDuck on her
> great Grandfather's side" (page 31, panel 5).   We don't have any
> idea what species this third wife may have been.
>                                                 ---Larry Giver.

Okay, then, he was related by marriage. Still, somewhere along the way, we
have ducks related to or marrying dogfaces, so I just don't see why anybody
would think species differences would be a barrier to family relationships.

Quack, Don

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