DCML digest, Vol 1 #1143 - Don Rosa Strike

Kai Saarto ksaarto at mbnet.fi
Sun Nov 17 11:28:49 CET 2002

BFOSTERLA at aol.com wrote:
> Re: Don Rosa is on strike
>> The = Norwegian weekly sells 250,000 copies each week. No other 
>> publication =
>> outsells it. Per capita, that would be like a North American comic book =
>> selling about 80,000,000 copies every issue. And sales in Finland are =
>> even better, at 350,000 copies per week. 
> Imagine if 600,000 readers in Norway and Finland refused to buy their 
> comics for a month in support of Don Rosa!  And if sales throughout 
> Europe came to a halt for four weeks, well... just think about it!

Of course it would be a force to reckon with, BUT I´d guess most of 
those (at least in Finland) are subscriptions. As Don is like an 
Honorary Citizen in Finland, thousands of fans could probably make a lot 
of noise on his behalf, but it wouldn't hurt the sales of the weekly 
magazine. The simple lack of hardbound albums that have been bi-annual 
Christmas best-seller is likely to be a bigger monetary loss to Egmont 
and other publishers.

- Kai Saarto

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