Answers for Sigvald's Questions
lgiver at
Sun Nov 17 23:30:46 CET 2002
Lots of Questions from Sigvald today.
1. Villian in Rosa's Croesus story? The pig-faced
Professor Owatta Pigayam. The pronunciation is "Oh, what a pig I am".
2. L&TofSMcD, part 3 "Buckaroo of the Badlands", where are the badlands?
The map in the first panel shows the badlands in the western part of
the Dakota territory, extending a few miles into the eastern part
of Montana
and Wyoming. The Dakota territory of 1882 is now split into 2 states,
with non-imaginative names "North" and "South" Dakota.
3. Where is the "Land of the Pigmy Indians"? In the third panel of Barks'
story (US18), Sidewalk Sam shows Scrooge a map of "the region north
of Lake Superior." That's the western part of Ontario province,
far from its largest city of Toronto. Ontario is a very large
4. In "The Universal Solvent" what river in Duckburg has the tunnel under
it that the ducks escape into?
It's the Tulebug river. In the fifth page before the end, fifth
panel, Scrooge
realizes "I know where we are---in the tunnel under the Tulebug
----------Larry Giver.
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