Uncle Ludwig

Lars Jensen lpj at forfatter.dk
Tue Nov 19 22:52:23 CET 2002

On November 14, Sigvald wrote:

> > For a long time, I thought of Uncle Scrooge as more likely
> > a grand-uncle
> > A member of Grandma's generation, in other words,
> But both Barks and Rosa shows that Grandma is Scrooge's
> sister's mother in-law!
> > In fact, I still think that, despite Don Rosa's spelling
> > out of the relationship.
> He only states facts given by Scrooge's creator Carl Barks.
> And remember that in a previous posting our Danish friend
> Lars Jensen, has stated that a character's creator is the
> first to know that characters relationships with other
> characters.

Since my name was invoked, I'd better comment on this.

You're right, of course, Sigvald. In my opinion, Carl Barks is the
authority to trust on whether Scrooge is related to Grandma. Note,
however, that Barks is *not* the authority on whether *Grandma* is
related to *Scrooge*!! That would be Al Taliaferro, and since he (as far
as I know) never said anything about that subject, it's still impossible
to make a definitive statement like "Grandma is Scrooge's sister's
mother in-law".
Barks *is* the authority on how Gladstone and Scrooge are related to
each other, though. Or Magica and Gyro. Or Little Helper and the Beagle

Call it "Jensen's Theory of Relativity". Or don't.


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