USA Disney Comics H.W.Fluks at
Wed Nov 20 19:08:24 CET 2002

L. Schulte wrote:

> It would be great if [Gemstone]
> start an all-Don Rosa series like the German/Ehapa one. 

Gladstone did 8 albums with Rosa stories, and Disney Comics did one. It
would be nice if Gemstone would continue this series (first reprinting the
stories that were only printed in the comics).

But apart from that, Gemstone could start printing all-new Rosa stories in
their comics. There are 12 stories waiting to be seen in English:

D 98202     24 pages, US  "The Dutchman's Secret"
D 98346     24 pages, US  "Escape From Forbidden Valley"
F PM 99001  12 pages, US  "The Coin"
D 99078     33 pages, US  "Quest For Kalevala"
F PM 00201  12 pages, US  "Attaaaaaack!"
D 2000-002  28 pages, DD  "The Three Caballeros Ride Again"
D 2000-191  17 pages, BB  "The Beagle Boys Vs. The Money Bin"
F PM 01201  26 pages, US  "The Sharpie of the Culebra Cut"
D 2001-024  28 pages, US  "The Crown Of The Crusader Kings"
D 2001-095  13 pages, US  "Forget It!"
D 2001-143  20 pages, GY  "Gyro's First Invention"
D 2002-??   26 pages, US  "Dream of a Lifetime"

So we *could* have one new Rosa story a month, which would make a wonderful
Of course, I *do* hope that Don will keep making new stories, to be printed
after the above.


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