More clarification on the Rosa issue... H.W.Fluks at
Thu Nov 28 19:28:00 CET 2002

Dan Shane wrote nearly what I could have written as my own thoughts.
Only a minor extension:

> If
> publishers wish to compile Don's stories and simply sell them as WALT
> DISNEY'S DONALD DUCK volumes without any artist's name 
> attached to the books
> (as sued to be the case in Disney comics), why don't they do that?

I guess the word "sued" is a Freudian typo. 8-)

Of course, it's logical and desirable to have *credits* in a publication.
People at Egmont (and elsewhere) have taken a lot of effort to allow Disney
to print credits in Disney comics.

Credits tell the reader who did what for the book. Rosa wrote the story and
did the art. Nothing more and nothing less. Then people know that he is not
to be blamed for the colouring, etc.

Credits is OK, but putting a name on the cover as a marketing tool is a
different matter. See Dan's original mail for that.

(Who never heard of a "Devil and Daniel Webster contract" before)

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